North Beach Ventnor Member Benefits: Supporting and Enhancing Our Community

Membership in the North Beach Ventnor Residents' Association offers numerous benefits that not only enrich our community but also provide valuable advantages for its members. By joining for just $25 per year per household, residents can actively contribute to the improvement and beautification of our neighborhood while enjoying a range of exclusive perks.

Members play a pivotal role in enhancing our community. By supporting the Association, residents help fund events and initiatives that bring us together, foster a sense of belonging, and strengthen neighborhood bonds. From engaging gatherings to festive celebrations, these events contribute to the vibrancy and unity of our community.

Through membership, residents have a direct impact on beautifying North Beach Ventnor. Contributions go towards the upkeep of public spaces, including maintaining banners that reflect our community pride. Additionally, members help ensure that our lifeguard boat, a symbol of safety and protection, remains in pristine condition.

Members stay informed about important neighborhood updates, local news, and community resources. This information empowers residents to stay engaged.

Membership brings tangible benefits to North Beach Ventnor residents. Members enjoy reduced charges and even free admission for various events, making entertainment and community involvement more accessible. Additionally, the association plans to launch a membership discount program soon, offering even more savings and rewards.

By attending meetings and exercising their voting rights, members can voice their opinions on important decisions that impact our community, ensuring that everyone has a say in the direction we take.


North Beach Ventnor Porch Party: A Timeless Block Party Tradition


North Beach’s Annual Meet & Greet unites the community in celebration