August 10, 2024

  • Small group in attendance

  • Porch Party had 96 in attendance. We had 25 appetizers, 6 desserts, 2 salads and 8 main entrees. Several large parties brought much less food than for the size of their party and we need to encourage folks to bring enough. Food ran out. NB may have to supplement with sandwiches, etc. if people do not bring enough. Reminder to large parties. RC handled most of the physical tasks by himself and needs help for setup, breakdown, etc. Agreed that the porch party was terrific, music was great. Stacey paid Ricky Stevens $200 and will issue a reimbursement check to herself.

  • BBQ is August 24. North Beach is going to purchase a grill and donate it to the church as thanks for helping NB in so many ways. Stacey will purchase.

  • We need more large flags. Agreed to purchase 6. We need better more resistant fabric. RC will contact Brenda Dowd for ideas. HiTech was previous company.

  • The postcards in the holder on the boat are all gone. RC will replace.

  • RG wondered if member lists should be published on the website. Some people thought that members might not want their names published. Decided to ask members how they feel about it and respond accordingly

  • There was a long discussion about help needed. The group is too large to be run by a small handful of people Need email to members about heading and joining committees to keep events, website, scholarship, finances, etc. taken care of.

  • Committees needed: Membership, Events (and subcommittee for individual events), Social Media, Website, Scholarship, Fundraising, Merchandise, Finance. RG offered to be Membership Committee Chair. Stacey will set up an email.

  • Merchandise will be on a drop ship basis. Stacey will check pricing and procedure.

  • RG suggested email campaign for each person to invite a neighbor to join/attend NB.

Meeting Minutes

July 13, 2024

  • Add Venmo and possibly Zelle for payments. Stacey will manage.

  • Begin drop ship for merchandise since current inventory is depleted. Stacey will work with Jenna.

  • Barbecue rained out on May 18 rescheduled to August 24.

  • Porch Party August 3, 7-10. Richard Conklin managing the host houses. One may not be available and he will try to find another.

  • Need more emails for events and a better way to publicize events, shopping, etc.

  • Subs on Tub Cruise will charge $40 members, $45 nonmembers. Peter Mokover questioned whether we could take a different route. Stacey will contact Captain Jeff.

  • Meet Greet was fabulous and Nor’Easter Nick Pitman was an amazing speaker. Generally liked the food, some said a little sparse. Need to review menu for next year. We also needed more wine.

  • New bench at the NB boat getting attention and use. Flowers are amazing. Postcards for NB info box is up, postcards to be added when they arrive.

  • Need to address advertising on the website. Stacey will talk with Jenna.

  • Enhanced/sponsor membership - what to offer, advertising on website, business listed, etc. Will do together with 2025 membership drive. Anyone who was a sponsor in 2024 before we got the program up and running will be good for 2025. We will provide membership cards or a download.

May 11, 2024

NBV BBQ  5/18/24

 At Water’s Edge Church

-BBQ did increase membership

-almost 50 signed up, 3 as members but not paid, Stacey will contact them. They can pay for membership at the BBQ

-Review of Food signups

            Paul- burgers, Veggie burgers, Mac & Cheese

            Dina-Hot Dog & Hamburger Buns ketchup, mustard, relish, bins for trash, Cooler

            Stacey-Juices, Chips, Cooler

            Potato Salad?

            Richard Conklin-Lettuce, tomato, onions, paper goods, trash bags, Cooler

            Stacy-Baked Beans   

            Rae- 2 cases of water, extra propane

-BYOB adult beverages, Stacey will send out email to all guests

-NBV merchandise will be available as samples

Meet & Greet June 8

At 5000 building party room

-17 members signed up

-Speaker Nick confirmed

-Deposit paid, not sure if paying for room rental, Rick C. will call Barry on the Board of 5000.

-Menu is catered by Queen Bean chef

-Advertised by flyers, keep posting on social media

-Stacey & Eve at welcome table for sign in. If non-members signed up, can join that night


-We have been meeting since February the 3rd Thursday at Nucky’s 4:30-6:00 for Happy Hour. Next one 5/16.


-500 were distributed. Pat O Brien did Jackson to Austin, Rae did Surrey to Nashville (excluding Beach block), Posted in Apartment lobbies, AAAA bike, Nucky’s, Jagielky’s, Remax, Farley & Ferry

-Stacey will get more printed for Rae to distribute.


-No NBV applicants, one from Atlantic City (probably written by AI)

-Advertised by Flyers, Emails from Richard Gober to ACIT, ACCC and Stockton, Nanette wrote articles and posted on Ventnor Community Forum site

-Maddie from last year could get $1000 again this year

-Money is placed in the recipient’s school account


-NBV bag with 2 Towels and T shirt to be assembled at Stacey’s this Monday night.

- Will be for sale to Realtors as welcome to NBV

-Merchandise still being sold by Brenda at MAKT Arts. Need to check on her inventory. We get paid       quarterly. She’s on vacation for a few weeks now.

-John at NB Creamery had offered to hang towels for sale in restaurant. Rick will follow up

-Merchandise on NBV website.


-Need link for signup for Ventnor website to promote NBV being inclusive of all Ventnor.

-Site is focused as sales, provides accounting of encounters. Info can be sorted for access to different data sets.


-Mario did wonderful job planting the flowers. Watering is being done. Rick put the flag up, more visible since it is lower.

-Bench is still needed by boat. Donated metal for bench, but not complete. Check at yard sales

-Info Box not completed for installation, needs 4x4 post in ground for 4x6 NBV cards for people to pick as they go by. Richard Gober will work on this when he returns in a few weeks.


-On hand currently $3,978.14 Operating fund and $3410.63 in scholarship fund.


-Banners are up on the street poles

-5000 building is going to review if NBV flag can be put on flagpole. Undetermined where the flag is at this time, Rick will follow up with Austin at the building. We will buy a new one when approved if not located.

-Dina will follow up with the Regency to have NBV flag on flagpole

-Church is replacing the grommets on their NBV banner

-Rick C. has the banner, uses for the Porch Party


-No info about Paula, she’s been out of town with Family issues

-Her cousin Joe supposed to open daily for access with swipe card.
-Not sure if being maintained


-Joel has suggested in February, discussion followed.

-$100 per year as a sponsor gets:

            One year membership, $10 gift certificate at NB CreamerY, Acknowledgement on NBV website, 1st year one piece of NBV T shirt

-Future promote to businesses

-Consideration to stagger membership if purchased later in the year.


-Richard Gober will contact the businesses to get this done this year.

-Dina will share the AC Crew discount card as a sample